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Here I want to post my Résumé so that everybody who is interested in can learn a little bit about me.

Current address:

Klaus Plößl

Rosenweg 1
92546 Rottendorf (Schmidgaden)
Phone: (+49) 9438 / 943 481
E-mail: Klaus.Ploessl@wiwi.uni-regensburg.de


Do outstanding work in my research and teaching activities in the field of IT-security. My special interests are the security of vehicular ad-hoc networks and network security in general.


Study of Business Information Systems at the University of Regensburg (1997 - 2002)
Qualification as MCSE for Windows 2000 (2001)
MBA program of the Murray State University (2000 - 2001)
MCSE program promoted by Microsoft (1998 - 1999)
Military service in Kirchham and Pfreimd (1996 - 1997)
Secondary school "J.- A.- Schmeller- Gymnasium Nabburg" (1987 - 1996)
Primary School Rottendorf (1983 - 1987)


Outstanding knowledge in:
IT-Security (but I'm still working on it...;-)
C/C++, Java, VB, ASP, Delphi, Assembler, SQL, HTML, XML...
Administration of Windows and Unix systems
Network design and implementation
Database design and administration
Microsoft Office Suite and other software

Fluent in both English and German. 
In addition, knowledge of management and marketing processes, financing and operations research.

Work experience

Universität Regensburg
(since Oct. 2003)
As research associate at the chair "Management der Informationssicherheit"
msg systems ag
As Technical Consultant working on the design and implementation of a new SAP module for insurances
ibi Bank (project seminar)
(May - August 2000)
In a team design and implementation of a client, a server and a transport protocol for secure online banking
Universität Regensburg
(May - July 2000)
As student assistant for Prof. Lory teaching the practice for Informatik II
Internships at Pontis Electronic 
(Sept./Oct. 1999 and March/April 2000)
Hardware and Software design for the "Copy-Station", needed to copy MP3-files on MultiMedia-Cards which are included with the firm's MP3-player
Development of low-level drivers for a PCMCIA-card for Windows9x and NT
Internships at Bagger Schäffer
(March - June 1999 and Feb./March 2002)
Design and implementation of an integrated accounting software tailored to the special needs of the firm
Some improvements to the software and switch to EURO


Available upon request.


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©Klaus Plößl
Comments? Send it to Klaus Plößl
Last updated 25 Juli, 2007